During the winter, rough days of snow are a routine in Cedar City. Located at the bottom of the Cedar Mountain, 210 miles south of Salt Lake City, in Iron County, Utah, Cedar City is the home for the T-Birds at the Southern Utah University. Students here represent less than a third of the total city’s population, which is around 30,000 people. © February 2016
A group of six students and two leaders hike the California Riding and Hiking Trail, in the desert of Joshua Tree. During the Spring Break of the 2016 Spring Semester, this group traveled to Southern California to backpack during 5 days along 37.3 miles in the Joshua Tree National Park. The group was composed by the students Rama, Hendrik, Qiaoyu, Rachel, Jessie and Donghui, and the SUU's Outdoor Activities leaders Chris and Sidni. (photo-series 01/03) © March 2016
In a cold windy night, Rachel (visible at left) warms-up close by a stove, while Jessie (center with headlight on) and Rama (smiling at right) hang out with other elements of the group. During the Spring Break of the 2016 Spring Semester, a group of eight SUU backpackers traveled to Southern California to hike during 5 days, along the 37.3 miles of the California Riding and Hiking Trail in the desert of the Joshua Tree National Park. (photo-series 02/03) © March 2016
A student’s tent is lighted under the starry sky in the desert of Joshua Tree, California. At this time of the year, temperatures can drop to 32ºF (0ºC) during the night, so hikers take the opportunity to sleep and get energy for the next day. During this trip, a group of eight SUU backpackers slept four nights in the desert. (photo-series 03/03) © March 2016 [NOTE: This photo was displayed in the Find Your Park exhibition at the Southern Utah Museum of Art, Cedar City]
The Eccles Coliseum at Southern Utah University is the stage for colorful sunsets with a view for the Cedar Mountains. Against UC Davis in the third game of the Big Sky Conference, this stage filled with 8,107 people and the Thunderbirds won UC Davis 24-3, showing their public how efficient the defense can be. (photo-series 02/03) © October 2016
Before the game’s kick off, players listen the audience singing the national anthem in a moment of concentration. In a cold Saturday night in Cedar City, the SUU Centrum Arena received the fifth conference game, where the boys basketball team lost against Portland State University (77-88). © January 2017
After the victory against Southeast Luisiana, the T-Birds celebrate the end of the first game of the season with the audience. The SUU Thunderbirds won Southeastern Louisiana 28-23 at the Eccles Coliseum, in Cedar City. (photo-series 03/03) © September 2016
During the “24-hour Theatre” event, students Quinn Osborne, Ben Cano, Libby Lee and Kaitlin Perkins (left/right) perform a musical called Double Date. This is a story about an introvert couple who find love after a double date with an extrovert couple. The “24-hour Theatre” event happens on campus at SUU and challenge students to prepare and perform plays within a 24-hours period. © September 2016
June Thorley, founding member of the Orchestra of Southern Utah, is being applauded standing by family and friends after receiving the first-ever Thorley Legacy Award. From now on, this yearly award will recognize individuals by their devotion to music in Southern Utah. This emotive celebration happened at the Heritage Center Theater, Cedar City. © September 2016
French student Geoffrey Abadie posing for a portrait while smoking a cigarette. Live in Utah is sometimes a challenge for most of the international community. The Utahan culture is highly influenced by the Mormon Church, which makes the state have strong restrictions to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other aspects of the social like that in many other American cities represent a normal curiosity for students. © February 2016